Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kinsley's Rescue Story

Our Spring 2012 Rescue Review is now out! In case you missed it, here is Kinsley's rescue story. 

During a C.A.R.E. rescue visit to Springfield Animal Control, C.A.R.E.’s Director Melissa Sartin rescued six dogs that had been living in a Suburban. There was a total of 12 dogs living in the Suburban with their owners. The owners would drive around from parking lot to parking lot like it was a miniature mobile home. The Suburban was feces ridden, and the dogs were very sick and unsocialized. 

Kinsley, a German Shepherd mix, was one of the dogs that C.A.R.E. rescued. Over a period of two months, several times each day, volunteers and employees cleaned, fed, and provided socialization (play time) to Kinsley and the other animals. After much rehabilitation, Kinsley is now a whole new dog! She is available for adoption at the Ozark adoption center.

Kinsley’s story will have a happy ending but many other animals are not as lucky. We work hard to educate the public and provide a rescue, spay/neuter and adoption service to the homeless animals in southwest Missouri. Your contributions make our work possible. Kinsley and everyone at C.A.R.E. would like to thank you for making this rescue possible.

For Inspiration:

If I can stop one heart from breaking;
 I shall not live in vain.
If I can ease one life the aching,
 or cool one pain,
or help one fainting robin onto his nest again;
I shall not live in vain.

-Emily Dickinson

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